The Foundation to Preserve the History of Maidan was founded in March 2014 and registered in the Ukrainian registry of organizations in June 2014 (registration number 10691020000032075; identification code 39273017. The foundation also has a sister organization in The Netherlands, registered as a charitable foundation at the Chamber of Commerce on Amsterdam, registration number 63138689.
The goals of the foundation are:
1. To develop, collect and safeguard oral history interviews, both audio- and video-taped and transcribed, with people who were directly or indirectly involved in Maidan, in all its facets, all according to internationally accepted guidelines of the oral history profession;
2. To make sure that the oral history collection will be accessible to researchers and others interested, according to the wishes of those interviewed, and that a copy of the archive is safeguarded outside the boundaries of Ukraine as a safety measure;
3. To establish partnerships with other initiatives and institutions both within Ukraine and abroad that share our goals and/or wish to support our foundation;
4. To collect and safeguard other audio-visual materials that relate to Maidan and that contribute to a full understanding of the events in all its facets and aspects;
5. To collect other documents and artifacts that support the stories as told in the oral history collection;
6. Where possible to contribute to the collective memory of the national uprising in Ukraine in 2013-2014 in general and the events at Maidan in Kyiv in particular, including the support to monuments and memorials that honor those killed at Maidan and have an educational and informational character;
7. To do everything else that is allowed according to Ukrainian legislation and contributes to the implementation of the above-mentioned goals.
© Maidan Memorial