Our history

Initially the goal of our foundation was to provide a legal basis to a project to collect oral histories of the Maidan events. Stories were collected and interviews held with Maidan fighters and others in order to preserve the memory of what happened to future generations. However, realizing that many participants would be weary to tell their story to any State institution, we decided that by having an NGO we could provide a certain level of safety that would be sufficient for Maidan fighters to share with us their experiences. Also, unknowing in what direction the political course of the country would go, we decided to come to an agreement with a foreign institution to keep at least a copy of our oral history archive. To that end collaboration was established with the Research Center for Eastern Europe (Forschungsstelle Osteuropa) of the University of Bremen in Germany, which holds one of the largest archives on the dissident movement in the USSR.

Gradually, however, the project expanded and we also turned our focus on the collection of Maidan artifacts, and in particular on offering a contribution to the development of a memorial and museum at Maidan itself.
Also, the foundation was actively engaged in the development of a proposal for the memorial/museum at Maidan. It registered as a participant in the official competition and submitted its proposal to establish a Maidan Memorial and Education Center in October 2014. Although our proposal was not selected, we are still involved in preparations of a Maidan Museum and are keen to contribute to its success. In our view, the museum should provide a kaleidoscope for people from all sides, for all whose lives were affected by the events in 2013-2014.


© Maidan Memorial